Loving People, Serving Jesus Christ
Men’s Ministry
In a world where men are being marginalized and phrases like, “toxic masculinity” have become a thing, we believe God is the authority, not man. It is our desire to equip, encourage, and inspire men to live their lives in a manner honoring, and pleasing to God. Men encouraging men to live by God’s standard according to His Word. Understanding who God calls a man to be, helping men to be impactful in our home, our communities, and in the lives of our brothers.
We want men to connect through fellowship, worship, prayer, and studying the word of God and to be the godly men we are called to be.
Men meet every Saturday morning, 8:00 am @ Gene Wagner’s home. For more information on location please contact our office at (360) 975-9356
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry is based on Acts 2:42. We are a fellowship where women can grow in their knowledge and understanding of who God is according to His Word, and deepen their relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. This is a place where women can be encouraged, strengthened, and uplifted in prayer, as we learn from one another in truth, always pointing back to the Word of God.
You can catch our online teaching segment by Women’s Ministry Leader, Marie Kuppens every Monday afternoon, on Facebook and on this site. In-person meetings are on Wednesday evening, 7:00-8:30 pm, and Thursday morning, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, at Marie Kuppens’ home.
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:42
Local Missions
Loving God and loving others is what we have been called to as followers of the Jesus of the Bible. Our church body serves our community in various capacities, using our individual giftings & sharing the gospel in word and deed.
Locally, we are part of a trained volunteer team to help with disaster relief, through our Mobile Response Unit-Refuge Point, which is deployed with first responders, Search & Rescue and disaster crews. This Mobile Unit is a trailer equipped with a field kitchen to provide meals and drinks, shelters, tables, and chairs, and a lavatory. We can also provide chaplains for long physical and emotional crisis situations. For more info,
Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:1
International Missions
We believe that, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be His hands and feet, both locally and globally. Our Mission Ministry shares the love of God, in word and deed through bringing resources, aid, and hope through the Gospel to a hurting world. Our church serves people in various capacities.
International mission teams have been sent to Lebanon, and Mexico and we currently send teams to El Salvador twice a year, to bring the hope of Jesus and His love through His church. We partner with a local church to minister together through community outreach to meet the needs of the people and sharing the gospel.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
Young Adult Ministries
The Blaze is Freedom’s Young Adults gathering that takes place on Wednesday from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. This is for all high school through college-aged young adults in our community for the purpose of expressing love to God and learning how to reflect His Son, Jesus Christ, in their everyday life. Our night consists of food and inspiring teaching from God’s Word. This is an interactive study where input and questions are encouraged as we will take each question back to the Bible to see what God might have to say to us. We want to give everyone an opportunity to know Jesus Christ personally and to grow in their faith. This is a safe place to come to meet with friends and make new ones, as you grow in your knowledge of God.
For more information call 360-975-9356
Chaplaincy Training
Chaplains and individuals who can help others process trauma in their lives are greatly needed at this time. Responders Resource Center exists to meet all your psychological trauma intervention needs with practical and useful training. We offer 3 courses from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (CISM training,) taught by our certified instructor, Rob Lloyd. In these courses you will gain skills to engage in conversations to aid others when trauma affects their lives. In addition, 22 Chaplaincy courses are offered in which skills are developed to help others in your church or other agency, when the need arises. Helping others in their time of need is our focus.
For more information or to register for a class, call (360) 356-3791 or go to
Children’s Ministry
Our Freedom Kid Zone during Sunday Service provides a safe and fun place to learn about Jesus. Our zones begin with babies and accommodate kids up through Middle School-age. We have teachers that are trained to help children with special needs as well. Please call (360) 975-9356 to discuss any special accommodations.
Praise & Pray Needs
We are a church of prayer and would be honored to pray for you. We would also love to hear about your praise reports. Send requests to:
Sermon Notes Available
Pastor Rob’s Sermon Notes are available to you upon request. They are sent out via email on Sunday mornings for you to follow along by printing them out or used directly on your electronic devices. The notes can be a tool anytime to help you dig deeper into the scriptures. Sign up by sending an email requesting the notes to: